The Fledgling Pharmadoc Industry


Many patients criticize their physicians for failing to treat them, not listening effectively, asking nosey and unnecessary questions, over-prescribing prescription "remedies" as stop-gap measures, and having the “God complex."  There has been a huge influx of this in recent years as the aging baby boomers are seeking therapy for their ails and many physicians take the easy road by prescribing drugs to treat symptoms but never get to the root of the problem and essentially not listening.  For some reason, many doctors feel it unnecessary to trust patient's beliefs and go with their own, predetermined, ingrained thought processes. This has become increasingly frustrating for patients who are seeking answers by some medical practitioners who have been heavily influenced by the pharmaceutical industry.  As a result, there is an alarmingly high occurrence of misdiagnoses, substandard care, drug mishaps, and altogether sick population who have become increasingly skeptical and distrusting of the medical profession as a whole.  We have the highest account of deaths with unknown etiology in the history of modern science.  In a highly industrialized nation such as the U.S., how could this be?


 There are now a higher number than ever before of the American population who “diagnose” themselves via the internet.  According to a recent Reader’s Digest poll, a whopping 72% of those surveyed believe what they read on the internet.  Another RD study of 179 medical websites showed that many were full of inaccurate information.  That is all really relative since the pharmaceutical industry has amassed so much influential power, due to their high profits and heavy lobbying, that who can really say what is accurate information?  Its all funded by the drug industry; disease research, pathology tests, lobbying and political control.  The drug companies have known for over thirty years that they are really only treating symptoms and not effective treatments and it was only a matter of time before the public would realize this.  The public has actually known this for about five years; ten years before the pharma expected date, and the pharmaceuticals realize they have been exposed... Drugs cover-up symptoms and don't treat disease.  The public has been spending over $4 billion a year in nutriceuticals due to their knowledge that drugs don't cure.


The Reader’s Digest article was clearly biased against the internet and blatantly naïve about the so called “accurate” side.  Freedom of speech appears to be an obtuse amendment on the internet to the US govt.  It could have had something to do with the drug ads in and around that article.  Even most medical websites are sponsored by the almighty Pharma industry, therefore are biased and lack critical information to recovering from disease.  Don't trust any medical advice website that has sponsors or ties to the Pharma industry, such as the ignorant preying WebMD.  The pharmadocs on the site appear so ignorant about environmental illness, they brazenly fail to recognize it.  Do the Pharma think the public is stupid?  We should think not! Pharmadocs, sponsored by Pharma, want the public to think they spend millions on research and appear to have an empathically approach to patient care.  Let's look at the grand scale of the altering of the mind of s medical professional who may possibly be so ignorant about the "profession" in the United States. . .


But this is not always as it appears--


Let’s take an example.  Medical Science is an ever changing field.  When Dr. John Doe went to school at his local university and received his MD in 1978 on scholarship (much of his studies were emphasized and influenced by the pharmaceutical industry). Perhaps he was ready to take on the world with his wealth of knowledge with all good intentions but he was already influenced by the almighty drug companies as every study he had conducted previously was funded by them.  His internship was at a large, urban hospital E.R. where he spent countless hours awake and the entire event was a blur in time.  The majority of his work centered around analyzing patients and in most cases, prescribing drugs to keep their symptoms at bay until they could see their primary physicians.


The vicious cycle returns


He later went to work for a median sized clinic in the suburbs with a colleague.  He attended regular seminars, symposiums, and conferences; mostly sponsored by pharmaceutical companies.  The pharmaceutical companies sent him on nice vacations, events, and lunches to maintain a good rapport.  He was visited regularly by pharmaceutical reps giving him numerous samples of this, that, and the other thing to dole out to his patients for “trial” use in case these drugs would work against the many mysteries of modern medicine.  He, in time, learned that his PDR (Physician’s Desk Reference), which is an annual book in virtually every medical facility in the nation, manufactured by the drug companies, was his best friend.  The book references symptoms and suggested drugs/dosages to prescribe.  During that allocated 12 minute visit that the insurance companies designate for every patient the PDR could assist in diagnosing and “treating” the symptoms of many illnesses.  He would run standard tests; the same tests that have been around for many years because this has become ingrained into his brain.  When a patient comes in with peer-reviewed medical literature for Dr. Doe to read as she has seen other specialists and knows that this document applies to her, he fails to even read it.  He even scoffs at these patients who question his demeanor, treatment methods, and anything else, because at this point of his life, he honestly but sadly believes he knows all of the so called answers and patients who waste his time with medical documentation or question his ethics are a “problem.”  Many times, it is even commented upon in medical records.  Let’s examine an entire 12 minute exam, if a patient is so lucky to get the entire 12 minutes.


The 12 minute allocated doctor’s visit -


  • 2 minutes to listen to symptoms, complaints


  • 1 minute to check patient’s physical signs, symptoms


  • 3 minutes to order tests, if needed


  • 4 minutes to check references, most likely the PDR


  • 2 minutes to pull out prescription pad and write “scripts”


And the insurance companies are trying to get this allocated time cut in half


What is a Pharmadoc/Pharmaquack?


What Dr. John Doe virtually became a slave to was his little “box of knowledge.”  Many doctors fall into this sad category and with today’s changing medical science, environmental illness, and escalating autoimmune disease, it’s a disgrace that the fail to look beyond the little pharmaceutical box, because there are so many emerging trends in medicine that require a multiplicity of innovative medical procedures, tests, and treatments.  These doctors are known in the medical profession by the shameful term as “pharmadocs.” but in modern medicine they are rightfully termed as "Pharmaquacks" since these types of physicians, with their twisted mindsets and morally degraded values, can be potentially dangerous, if not life-threatening to a patient who is suffering from any of the 20,000 forms of environmental illness that the pharmaceutical industry didn't teach these blind-sided, arrogant practitioners.  The avergae consumer finally became leery and realized that pharmaceuticals were not effectively curing them, but merely treating their symptoms.  The drug companies have fought back with Codex, which will destroy the lives of countless people as they take over the nutriceutical/vitamin/supplement industry in the United States as they have already done so in Europe.


Additionally, many of these pharmadocs/pharmaquacks suffer from “mad doctors disease” when questioned about their limited knowledge as they try to exude authority since many also appear to have contracted the God complex.  Any psychologist will tell you that the biggest sign of insecurity is when one tries to show more power than they really have, which is the exact case in point with docs and the God complex.  In case any of you remember going to a really knowledgeable and professional physician, they don't put on airs because they feel confident with who they are.  It is the insecure that you must beware of.


It is sad that any patient has to endure any indignities.  Many people, however, are beginning to look at pharmadocs as high-priced drug salespeople.  Their respect level has diminished increasingly over the past five years and they are beginning to realize this, which infuriates them more.  Hence, they take on many geriatric patients who are used to pharmadocs and generally don’t question their God-like authority complex.  The baby boomers, however, do not.


The medical profession as a whole has learned that there is little room for pharmadocs in this new millennium.  Therefore, they are slowly but surely changing medicine as we speak.  Over thirty percent of the top nation’s medical schools are not only focusing on “Pharmadoctroy” but alternative medicine, as well.  The main reason that environmental illness is scoffed by pharmadocs is because it has been ingrained in their heads that patients who complain about symptoms that their standard blood panels which do not detect environmental toxins of any type are hypochondriacs.  They simply don’t know how to look beyond the box with this new science as they do not have the open mind, education, skill, or ability to treat the problem because most pharmaceuticals cannot and will not treat the actual illness.  If the pharmaceutical companies don’t profit, the pharmadocs hasn’t a clue.  No one should have to receive substandard care due to the pharmadocs industry.  In many states it is illegal to sue for a misdiagnosis, hence, why should they care?

Next time you look at a medical website, first see who sponsors it.  The truth lies there.  Websites such as Merck and WebMD are perfect examples, although Merck appears to be much more accurate.  Their so-called symptom analyzer appears to be very succinct, but in reality it primarily focuses on biased, pharmaceutical based classic run of the mill illnesses.  Perhaps you may notice all of their advertisements for drugs displayed abundantly over all of the site.  It appears that the authors know nothing about environmental illness.  When questioned about an illness such as the greatest health hazard of the new millennium, mycotoxicosis, they failed to even respond to our inquiry. Could it possibly be that pharmaceuticals alone, are not the answer for this invasive and commonly misunderstood disease?


This is what Reader’s Digest did not clearly address.  Its important to remember that the drug companies, FDA, CDC, and the AMA have a very cozy relationship.  Educating yourself and knowing your rights can actually be quite an extremely healthy experience.  There may be hope for us all with a better understanding of the pharmadocs and your privileges.  But always remember the basis and motivation behind resources if you want to know how reliable your information really is.


The AMA and your rights


When confronted by an angry doctor, or just to prevent a physician from becoming infected, here are some remedies:

Call your doctor by his or her first name. "Mad doctors disease" is born of an arrogance that doctors often possess because of their ability to so called “heal.” In medical school, it's called the God complex. In this context, it's about a belief that doctors are above the law, and that no medical negligence case is ever legitimate. Just because a doctor wears a white coat doesn't mean he or she is always right. Being on a first-name basis will bring doctors back to earth.  * Don't wait for your doctor for more than half an hour. Arrogance keeps doctors from respecting our time as much as we do theirs. If the doctor is not tied up in a hospital or on a real emergency, walk out after 30 minutes of waiting. Doctors will start to get the message.

Know the law. Doctors have to treat patients in emergencies, and in some states it is their legal and ethical duty not to stop treating you in the middle of your care, say when they discover your legal history. If a doctor takes you on as a patient and then decides to stop treating you, report him or her to the state medical board.

Remind doctors that they sue too. Recently, physicians have collected hundreds of millions of dollars by getting together in class-action lawsuits brought against big HMOs for unfair dealing. Doctors who don't want to treat plaintiffs' lawyers might consider that without plaintiffs' attorneys HMOs would not be paying the doctors' bills on time.

Remind doctors of their good fortune. According to a 2003 survey by Medical Economics magazine, OB/GYNs made an average of $220,000 in 2002 after paying deductible expenses like malpractice insurance. After expenses, invasive cardiologists averaged $360,000 and gastroenterologists $300,000.

Society depends on doctors to be there to treat everyone who is ill, not to select their patients based on their occupations or whether or not they've ever sued a doctor in the past. If the AMA won't stand up for this principle, it's up to patients to stop mad doctors disease, one physician at a time.


Check reputable websites that have no special interests, agenda, etc., and read scientific information regarding illness.  If the website doesn't recognize environmental illnesses, they are worthless.  If your physician doesn't want to take the time to read a medical paper that applies to your illness, they are not recommended.  A good physician will listen, listen, listen.  Then they will take an active role in treating you in a metter that is best suited for your individual needs.


If you have a negative experience, and you feel that you were mistreated in any way, contact your state medical board and insurance company.